When travelling its the little things that count & sometimes its the years of off-road kilometers under the belt that form the base of ones wisdom. It is however, completely ignorant to think you dont learn new things everyday while touring this great country.
We always love snooping around at camp to see who has what gadget we dont! Whats the old saying, the best way to become a millionaire 4wding is to start off a billionaire…. Luckily, some of the best tricks are free.
So how can the little things help? Here are some crowd sourced tips to make your next getaway easier. Have a look below & see if you can utilise any of these tips from fellow travellers.
Elle Tamihana “We love the Impact driver and bugel screws for guy ropes. Saves hours up north when the ground is like concrete”.
Iain Keen “Occy straps across the handles (above the windows) of the back doors to store bog roll”
Phil Hayes “A good thermos for a cup of tea on the road!”
Andrew Swepstone “Pre cooking and freezing meals for an easy dinner warmed up in the camp oven or jet boil. An extra egg shell mattress in the swag for added comfort. Camping only ugg boots, a must on almost any trip. The ability to pack copious amounts of alcohol “
Iain Keen “Having a decent pair so gloves to roll up the swag.
Using a jetboil for a quick cuppa on the road.”
Tony Vine “Baby wipes…Good for everything from a refreshing face wipe all the way to wiping dust off the dash.
Lighter even if you don’t smoke.
Thick tape in case of broken window.
I carry a warning light pack as well that can be turned on and flashes so can be placed on top of a dune if you are stuck on the flip side or on blind corners.”
James Fife” I good quality canvas-y bag for rubbish. Nothing worse than a plastic bag splitting in the back of you car.”
Gino Rossi “Ditching the stock furniture/gear bags and upsizing to a slightly larger canvas bag.
Leave or take off things you wont actually use – like awnings.
Or replace car awnings with pop up gazebos ….. More room, better shade and can leave behind.“
Michael Turnbull” Box full of nuts and bolts , spear wheel nuts , lots of heatsolder , spare batteries”
Max Kelly “May seem like a silly one. But having a few movies/shows downloaded from Netflix to watch with out data”
Luke Broadwith “Cans of beer in the fridge vs broken glass. WINNER. “
Nathan Cheney Claire Russell” screw in pegs for sure
Dash Matt organiser from grab me gear made and awesome spot for tourch. Receipts and easy access stuff.
Small step for Claire to reach the fridge
Best mod to date was the glass mirror I glued to the passenger side sun visor to keep claire happy as the car doesn’t come with one “
Nathan Cheney ” the Tap / hose connections is an awesome one aswell as the 4 way tap handle thing to use any fresh water taps without the handles
Some great tips above from everyday 4wd adventurers!
What is important to remember is no 2 set ups are the same but generally speaking, we’re all out to make camping & touring as convenient & less fuss as possible! This ultimately allows you to enjoy your time out bush more!
Below are some of our own Explore WA tips :
– Loctite & Spring Washer assortment.
Before big trips we make an effort to apply spring washers to accessories which usually come with sub standard mounting hardware. For example, Spotlights are a big one – often having soft alloy housings which strip easily on sustained corrugations. Setting the lights first, adding a good spring washer & a dab of Loctite will keep things in check for those bumpy adventures.
Alternator Brushes & Starter Motor Contacts.
When remote we always have spares for our particular vehicle. Both components are important to the operation of your vehicle. Can succumb to the elements and take up practically no room. Even if you don’t have the knowledge to change them, having model specific parts in a remote area may help someone who does have the know how to fix it for you!
Can of NF Electrical Contact Cleaner
A bit like the Brake Cleaner of the Electrical work. We find it still works for oily jobs too in a pinch.
Heat Shrinking Zippers on awnings.
Nothing more annoying than jingling down the highway. Cover them up and enjoy the silence.
Door Pocket Wash station –
Im a big fan of bush hygiene, no one wants to get crook with a case of the trots in the bush. So simply washing hands regularly and having somewhere to do so it always great. If you have a sedan, try stashing a hand wash bottle, alcohol gel & sunscreen in the same spot with a hose outlet from your water tank.
Bug detering lights ( Red/Yellow/Amber)
Like these low draw, high quality lights by PDP ( Perth Diesel Performance ).
Handy Little LED Lights in Cargo areas ( No Draw/ Colour Selectable )
Check out the video here
Bottle of F10 Fuel Treatment.
Should be carried in everyones car. A bad batch of fuel could spell disaster for your next adventure. Have a read up on F10, its usage & benefits.