Your new First Aid Kit

Time & Time again, we come across travelers without even basic first aid supplies! Its easily overlooked, forgotten or simply low on the priority list. But old mate Murph & his law eventually catch you out!

We came up with some pretty nifty little first aid kits, with over 200pce’s of basic supplies for treating a range of common ailments when out bush. We also thought a regular first aid kit was a little drab so we have given our own kits a bit of flair with cool bag design & colors, handy shoulder-pack straps to make them portable, a tactical knife, adjustable torch to make them a very handy little bit of gear! We have also left them roomy enough to add in medications, Epirbs or even a water bottle.The kits are really versatile & remain compact to be clipped onto a cargo barrier or seatback, stored away on the boat or thrown over your shoulder on the next bushwalk.

Whats in the kits –

1 First Aid user Guide
40 pcs Adhesive Bandage (1.9 x 7.2cm)
10 pcs Adhesive Bandage (1 x 4cm)
30 pcs Cotton Tipped Applicator (length: 7.62cm, 10pcs/packet)
10 pcs Gauze Pad (5x5cm, sterile, 2pcs/pkt)
6 pcs Gauze Pad (10.16 x 10.16cm, sterile, 2 pcs/pkt)
4 pcs PVC Gloves (Size: L, 2pcs (1 pair) / pkt)
20 pcs Sterile Absorbent Cotton (0.5 gram/pcs, 10 pcs/pkt)
30 pc Alcohol Prep Pad (5 x 5cm)
10 pc Cleansing wipe (5.5 x 7.5cm)
2 pcs Sterile Eye Pack (8 x 6cm)
10 roll Gauze Bandage (5cm x 2.5m)
2 Roll Zinc Oxide Adhesive Plaster (1.27cm x 5m)
2 Roll Stretch Bandage (10cm x 3.2m, stretched)
2 Roll Stretch Bandage (7.5cm x 3.2m, stretched)
2 Roll Stretch Bandage (5cm x 4.9m, stretched)
1 pc scissors (15cm)
1 pc Plastic Tweezers (12.5cm)
2 pc Trianglar Bandage (91.44 x 137.16 x 91.44cm, cotton)
12 pcs Safety Pins
1 pc Emergency Blanket (130 x 210cm, silver)
1 pkt Instant Cold Pack (100g)
1 pc Mouth to Mouth Breath Mask (20 x 20cm, with one-way valve)
*Kits may vary slightly depending on availability.

Price & how to get one? –

$135 Posted Aus Wide.

To purchase you can contact us via Facebook, Drop us a line to or contact us by call or txt on 0406108480

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